Tips to become really good at Facebook targeting

Facebook targeting seems to be the ‘it’ tool these days. In order for your business to thrive, it’s important to show your product or a service to the right people at the right time. Some experienced marketers like to say that it’s not important what are you selling, but who you are selling to. Who is your ideal customer? Where do they live, what do they do, what are their habits or behaviours, what drives them? Facebook knows ‘everything,’ and as such, it’s a great tool for customer segmentation.

Here is a quick guide to Facebook targeting that will turn you from a frog to a marketing prince! Keep on reading to find out how to get to the people who matter the most to your business.

Wondering what you can target?

  • Location: You can pinpoint a radius on a map, target specific cities, countries, exclude them if need be, and even target people who have recently visited a location, or they are travelling to it. This is great for tour guides for example.
  • Age: Select the age group you wish to target.
  • Gender: Choose whether you want your ad to be shown to female or male audience, or both.
  • Relationship: You can target people based on who they are interested in, or target single people, married, engaged, divorced, and more – all based on their relationship status. Market a dating site to singles and recently divorced people, or jewellery like wedding rings for recently engaged couples.
  • Education: The education filter lets you target people who are attending high school, college, individuals who are college grads or who finished some sort of diploma or college degree. Also, you can choose to show your ad only to people who possess a certain education degree, like associate degree, master’s, doctorate, and more. You can even target people who went to a specific school, in a specific timeframe.
  • Finances: This filter lets you segment people based on their net worth and income range.
  • Home: This filter comes with a lot of segmentation options. You can choose to target people based on the type of home they have, whether they are owners or renters, and what’s the household like – newlyweds, veterans, young people, young adults, seniors, families, and more. People who are in the remodelling industry can target people whose home was built 20 years ago, and offer repairs. Real estate agencies can target first-time home buyers and renters.
  • Job: You can target people who are working for a certain employer, or have a specific job title, or just the general industry they work in.
  • Ethnicity: You can choose to target people based on their ethnicity.
  • Generation: You can target baby boomers, generation X and millennials.
  • Parenting: This filter comes with plenty of targeting options. There is a whole segment within that is dedicated to targeting Moms, and the segment targeting all parents. This way, you can choose to market diapers to parents with babies, new workout regime to fit Moms, a new fashion line to trendy Moms, and so forth.
  • Politics: Target people based on their political affinities.
  • Life events: This filter allows you target people who have already experienced a life event, or will in the future – anything form new relationships, anniversaries, new jobs, birthdays, to people who have recently moved in, who are newly engaged, or any friends to people who have experienced a life event. This is one of the easiest targeting options. For example, you can target a friend of a person who will be having a birthday soon, with an ad for a special gift. Another example: Let’s say you are selling expensive romantic vacations, you might want to target people who have been engaged for a couple of months, and less expensive options and field trips to people who are in a relationship or married and who are celebrating anniversaries.
  • Entertainment: Choose people who enjoy watching certain movies, playing games, listening to music, reading, watching TV… For example, target Game of Thrones fans with an article about the show, or target them and market a new fantasy book which might pique their interest.
  • Interests: There’s an array of interests you can target, activities, pages they liked, topics, and all sorts of related events.
  • Wellness: Target gym-goers, bodybuilders, people into healthy nutrition, meditation, yoga, physical activities like running, weight lifting, exercising, AND even Zumba! This way you can market a new class in a gym, A yoga group, A new app for fitness and more.
  • Hobbies: This segment allows you to target people based on their hobbies – home improvements, arts and crafts, travelling, music, etc.
  • Purchases: Choose to show your ad to people who have recently completed a purchase. Market a beauty product to makeup artists, young female adults, who like pages like Maybelline and Max Factor. Or market a toy to parents whose child whose birthday is coming up soon.
  • Seasonal events: Market to people who are following sports happenings, games, or seasonal activities like swimming and skiing.

Facebook can also help you retarget people who visited your website. If you want to learn more about retargeting, read this article about Facebook Pixel here.

Facebook is an all-powerful marketing tool that allows you to fine-tune your perfect audience and then market to them what you think they will like, and what they are interested in. Your marketing strategy could be so intricate that you can reach virtually anybody and show them your ad.

Selling pet products? Target people who have recently got a dog. The options are virtually limitless!

Are you leveraging content marketing for your business?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As a team of digital marketing specialists, one of our core services at Twenty3Media is content marketing and content creation. We believe that every business benefits from including content marketing as part of its business marketing strategy to achieve its goals and ROI. Over the years, we have helped a number of businesses to leverage content to build their brand, establish themselves as thought leaders in their field and engage with their target market.

Content Marketing

While almost everyone is aware of the benefits of content marketing, it can be a challenge to figure out where to get started. What is the right strategy to generate more leads and website visitors with content, without overshooting your marketing budget?

Content marketing can be a truly cost-efficient long-term marketing strategy, especially when planned, executed, and managed properly. If you manage a business that is yet to leverage content marketing, here are some quick tips to get you started, because no business can afford to ignore the benefits of content marketing – and it is never too late to begin.

In its most simplistic form, content marketing starts with understanding your target audience and the online platforms where you can reach them. Next is competitor research to see what your competition is up to. What types of content are they publishing? How frequently and where? Which types of content get the most traction? Whom are they targeting?

Armed with this information, do the following:

• Brainstorm with your team to determine content goals
• Create your own content strategy
• Determine measurement criteria to assess your return on investment to see what works
• Make an editorial calendar
• Categorise your content and mark publication dates in your calendar
• Create content and publish, followed by sharing on social media
• Engage with your audience
• Measure, and fine tune to meet your goals

All this can appear overwhelming to manage, especially if the required expertise is not readily accessible. Moreover, hiring and maintaining staff to carry out these activities can be expensive.

At Twenty3Media, we work as an extension of your team to help you achieve your digital marketing goals and invite you to get in touch with us for a discussion on how we can assist with your content marketing strategy.

In the meantime, here are some pointers on successful content marketing:

Maintain a business blog

Your business blog is an effective way to make sure you have a continuous stream of content. Decide on a publishing schedule and stick to it.

Publish quality content

Give your audience the type of content that appeals to them to increase engagement.

Share your content on the right platforms

The aim of content marketing, besides business generation, is to connect with your market and build a loyal customer base. Based on your research about where your target market spends its time, create and publish shareable content. Include images, videos and an appropriate call to action to engage your readers. This will also keep them longer on your website.

Remember it is about your audience

The days of building a product and hoping the buyers will come, are gone. Today, businesses must go to their audience. Marketing is no longer about pushing your products or services on your customer. It is about understanding your audience’s needs and pain points and creating content around this so that you can attract them into your sales funnel. Follow it up by engaging them in conversation.

Content marketing takes time and effort

Creating content and managing it is a continuous process and most businesses outsource the activity so that they can focus on building their business. The good news is that the investment is well worth it and will bring long-term rewards.

At the end of the day, the World Wide Web is a huge mass of data linked together in different formats that include blogs, videos, expert comments, guides, and much more. Every business must be a part of this to succeed. We are here to help!

Does your business use content marketing? We’d love to hear from you, please feel free to leave a comment below :-)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Where to start with designing a digital marketing strategy?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Designing and implementing a digital marketing strategy from scratch can be a daunting task. Or, perhaps you took over the management of a brand’s digital marketing from another individual or team, and you need to determine what elements of the strategy are working, and what not.

While it may seem like an impossible task, if you break up the bigger process into smaller chunks, it’s completely manageable. In this post I’m going to explain very briefly the process we follow at Twenty3Media when we start working with new clients.

The best starting points are to determine what is currently working and what not – and to determine what your competitors are doing online. This is the starting point for our team too when we start working with a new client. We familiarize ourselves with the client’s industry, their target audience as well as their competitive landscape to name a few.

The first step is going to be to check whether or not the website in question (your brand’s website) has Google Analytics installed. If not, get the tracking code installed immediately, so that data can be generated. You will need to have at least a month’s data, ideally more, to do your audit.

If you need to wait for Google Analytics to generate data, you can take that time to draw up a thorough competitor analysis document. Firstly, you’ll need to determine whom you’re going to compare yourself with. We like to get feedback from the client with regards to their direct competitors in the industry, and then we also do online research to identify online competitors.

Select your top 5 (or 10 if you want to be thorough) competitors, and note them all in your competitor analysis document.

Next you’ll want to research all aspects of each competitor’s digital strategy, including:

  • Their website: What pages do they have on their website? What tone do they use for the content? Look at the page source for each page (in Chrome, right click and select ‘view source’), do you see optimized meta tags? Who do they link to from their website? How many backlinks to their website do they have? Do they have a blog? If yes, how often do they publish content on their blog? Can you pick up specific keywords that they are optimizing different pages for (in the actual content)? What type of calls to action do they have on their website?
  • Social media platforms: What social media platforms are they active on? How often do they post? What type of content do they post? What is the engagement rate (comments, like, shares, retweets, etc) on different posts? This can help you identify content that you can include in your social media strategy.
  • Online advertising: Have you seen any online ads (on Google, Facebook, etc) for the competitor in question? If yes, what is the CTA? What artwork / visuals are they using?
  • Newsletters and email marketing: Do they send out newsletters? If yes, how often? What is the content of the newsletters?

The above will provide you with a good starting point for your competitor audit. Make the competitor analysis document as thorough as possible, as this will help you determine what areas you need to focus on.

Next, you can move on to your own brand’s website and social media channels, and compare it against your competitors’ platforms. What are you doing better than competitors? Where can you improve? Again, include as much detail as possible.

Once you have sufficient Google Analytics data, look at:

  • The top content on your website: Which pages are the most popular? Do these pages have sufficient CTAs on them to convert visitors to leads?
  • Demographics: Where are you getting your most visitors from (country, city)?
  • Engagement rate: What is your website’s bounce rate? How many pages do people view on average per visit? How much time do they spend on your website? What can you do to improve this rate?
  • Devices: What devices do people use to view your website? Make sure that your website renders properly in all of the most popular devices.

Once you’ve worked through the checkpoints above, you will have quite a bit of information to add to your digital marketing strategy document. Firstly, start off with what you want to achieve. Let’s say your marketing goal is to ‘increase sales,’ then your marketing objective will need to follow the SMART rule, for instance: Increase sales by 25% over the next 4 months. You can create annual goals, or quarterly goals – it’s up to you to decide what will work best based on your scenario. However, it’s important to make your marketing goals as specific as possible, so that you can measure the success of the tactics you implement.

There are many free digital marketing strategy templates available online – but, there is no need to go fancy. The key is to identify areas that you need to focus on, design a strategy and consistently implement this strategy.

The above will provide you with a good starting point to design your digital marketing strategy. If you need help with identifying areas you can improve on, or if you don’t have the time or resources to implement the strategy, contact us and we’ll assist![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

How design plays a role in your marketing efforts

Marketers and graphic designers often have the same goals, but look at them from a different perspective. Marketing creates interest in a brand, and design communicates a brand.

Dan Slagen, VP of Marketing at Crayon explains how involving marketers in your design process is essential to a successful product, or brand. He says that when you hear marketers talk, you’ll hear words like content or copy, conversions, funnel, and brand tone. Talk about the same project with designers, and they’re focusing on hierarchy, purpose, emotion, and experience.

There’s a disconnect between the two teams, and figuring out how to collaborate is key to selling your business. “Focusing on performance can align marketing and design teams to better solve problems together,” suggest Slagen. “You can have clever copy and the best targeting, but if it doesn’t perform, it’s not viewed as a success.”

Creative graphic design is one of the fastest ways to build brand recognition and a following on social media. This in turn, helps your marketing team. A beautiful design will help you stand out from the hundreds of other companies competing for the same audience, and can be the deciding factor in how successful your next campaign will be.

Not only is it important to have strong visual content, but consistency is an equal priority. You want people to come across an image and immediately think ‘isn’t that that one company?’ Your brand should always show similar fonts, photos, colors, etc. Use the same logo – don’t constantly change the color. Each and every single element in a design piece should portray the message you’re trying to send.

Design elements also help build trust with your clients. If a client can see that your website is done professionally, and your flyers, and postcards all look well done, this helps with your credibility. Clients are more likely to trust a brand with professional graphics versus a company that just has a couple images and some text printed out on normal paper.

The most important part about all of this is the conversion. If you aren’t getting conversions, then your campaign isn’t working. Maybe it’s the graphics, maybe it’s the marketing, or maybe it’s both. Conversions are key to propelling your brand forward. A clear, concise call-to-action will help draw people in. Tell them to do something. The mere suggestion to ‘register’ will get them thinking about it.

If you’re company doesn’t have a graphic designer employed, it may be time to look at outsourcing some of your work. Take a look at your past campaigns and evaluate if there are areas that could have been done better. Take the time and invest in your company with well-done graphics that will convert and produce your audience.

If you need help with your graphic design projects or your digital marketing strategy overall, get in touch with us.

How to determine which social media profiles to be active on

There are so many social media platforms to choose from – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Tumblr, Snapchat…it almost looks like new social media platforms are emerging on a daily basis!

If you are in the process of creating your social media strategy, your first instinct might be to simply choose all of them. We are here to tell you, don’t. Chances are you won’t have enough time or resources to commit yourself properly to each social media profile, so you might end up having a mediocre representation on all of them, instead of excelling at a chosen few.

Whatever your choice is, here is a detailed guide to get you started on your social media management journey, through a series of questions and answers.

Will you oversee your social media, or will you pay a professional to do it for you?

If you are in charge, then you should choose the platforms you are familiar and most comfortable with. Or, at least at first. As you gain experience, and more importantly – the routine to be active on selected channels, you can easily incorporate more profiles into your social media strategy. And yes, you WILL need a strategy.

Paying a professional will probably yield better results, but that is largely dependent on your budget, naturally. On the other hand, you will get their expertise, knowledge, and the benefit of having free time on your hands. Twenty3Media is more than happy to help you with that, of course.

What is the type of content you will be distributing?

Each social media platform has a type of content for which it’s better suited than the rest. Visual content should find its way to Pinterest and Instagram, and videos are certainly best hosted on YouTube and Vine, while short, concise updates are for Twitter. Facebook supports all formats successfully (but, the overall trend favours videos).

Twitter is a very in-the-moment channel, which demands a lot more attention (and a very good response rate) which means that if you have up to date news to share with the world, Twitter is the way to go. If your posts aren’t time sensitive, and would benefit from being shown to a highly-targeted audience, then you should choose Facebook. Determine the type of content you will be creating and choose the platform accordingly.

What is the main purpose of the chosen channel?

If you want to increase sales, achieve better ROI and have more conversions, then your social media strategy should also reflect that. In this case, it’s not really about the traffic. While traffic is important, it shouldn’t be the ultimate goal. But if you want to increase brand exposure, attain a loyal following and form connections, then traffic is of importance.

Choose the main purpose you wish to achieve and then select the channel best suited that will bring you results.

Stay tuned for more useful advice about social media platforms, community management and pro tips on how to become the very best social media marketer your brand deserves you to be!

6 free tools for creating awesome visuals

Did you know that 90% of the transmitted information in the human brain is visual? Including visuals in your marketing is a must, to help engage your visitors and grab the attention of potential customers.

This may seem daunting at first – especially if you didn’t go to school for design or don’t do it on a day-to-day basis – luckily, with technology these days, you can find a tool online for just about anything.

As you start to look for these tools, you’ll notice that each tool has their pros and cons – some are free, some you need to pay for and for almost all of them you’ll need to create an account. Take a look at our list below, and see what our favourites are!


Piktochart is one of the easiest tools to use to create infographics. Pick a template or start from scratch. The web app has over 100 customizable themes, and it doesn’t stop at infographics – create reports, banners, and presentations as well.

Piktochart is free to use with an account.



Canva is probably one of the most popular online platforms. Canva features pre-designed graphics that allow you to drag and drop photos, text, and other elements into the visual area.

Canva is best used to create infographics, menus, flyers, magazine covers, collages, and social media graphics.

There is a free version but you will need to create an account. Paid versions start at $9.95



PicMonkey has been around for a while but is still relevant as a visual aid. Edit images, create collages, add text and utilize beautiful overlays. Save, download, and share across social networks. PicMonkey has a free version, as well as paid versions.


Pixlr is one of our team’s favourites and has a series of web apps. Pixlr Editor is set up much like Photoshop, while Pixlr Express is a quick and easy photo editor that will enhance your photos exponentially. For the non-designer, these apps can really help you step up your photo game when creating social media updates and blog posts.

In addition to their web apps, Pixlr has a mobile version so you can always create images fast, on the go!

Pixlr is 100% free – just one more reason to love it!


Snapseed is an app for your mobile device. It’s one of our go-to apps while on the go in addition to Pixlr’s mobile app. Create stunning photos right in the palm of your hand. Apply filters, use super cool effects, and even lay text over your images.

Snapseed is free – just download it from your app store!

Social Image Resizer

We’ve added this tool because sometimes you need a specific size for your social media posts and it can get a little tricky. Upload your image into this tool and then just choose where you plan to post it – it will automatically crop the photo to the size needed! 100% free to use.

In conclusion, there are many apps available – and you don’t have to have a design background to create wonderful images! Try them out, let us know your favourites, and share any other apps you’ve come across that you like.

Why a content calendar is critical for your content marketing strategy

For every business, regardless of its size and niche, content marketing is among its primary digital marketing strategies. However, unless this is organized and implemented with meticulous planning, all the content that goes out to its audience can be a waste of time and money.

At Twenty3Media, we believe that content marketing, in its simplest form, begins with knowing one’s audience, creating engaging content, and promoting it to the right audience across the platforms frequented by them.

During the content planning process, a content calendar is invaluable. Not only does it enable us share it with our virtual team to plan and monitor our content marketing activity in real time, but also shows us, at a glance, scheduled content, important event dates to keep in mind to plan content, and ensures that we have different types of content ready and published on schedule.

As we already know, a business must consistently publish quality content to build its brand, its credibility and its presence in its niche. The frequency of publishing can vary depending on the business and the industry in which it operates. It is also important to be flexible based on changes in the industry, showing that the business is up to date with trends.

So how do we build a strong content calendar to support our content marketing strategy? Here are our top three tips:

Know your target market

Practically every business activity is based on knowing one’s target audience, and content planning is no exception. In fact, a brand must plan its content in such a way that it appeals to all audience segments the business caters to: for example, prospective and existing customers, potential employees, investors, and suppliers.  Besides focusing on lead generation and sales, this content must be diverse enough to connect with all its audience types. Based on this, content must be planned in terms of what, how much and how often for each segment.

Plan and create the content calendar

Depending on the business, content can either be created from scratch or take into account existing content to work from there. Existing marketing material can often be reworked into new forms of content. For instance, if there are marketing presentations in the form of PowerPoint, these can be made into videos, blog posts, or made into SlideShare presentations that can be shared online. Existing blog posts can be updated with new data to make them relevant. If there is market research, this can be made into infographics, which in turn can become blog posts. If there are industry white papers, these can be published as case studies and blog post series.

The idea is to leverage existing content, as well as to come up with new ideas, which can then populate the content calendar. Responsibilities can then be assigned and tracked. Once the content has been created, it can be scheduled for publication on various platforms as per the content marketing strategy.

Promote and monitor

Just publishing the content is not enough. It must be aggressively promoted on social media and through business newsletters, besides engaging with the audience it reaches. The response and engagement must then be monitored and compared with similar previous activity to gauge what works and what doesn’t. 

Based on this the promotion strategy and content can be tweaked to achieve the content strategy goals. There are a number of analytics tools available to measure performance or each type of content.

In short, the content calendar can be used to record content ideas, determine types of content and frequency, create that content, schedule it, and monitor it, so that you can accomplish your content marketing goals. 

Do you use a content calendar as part of your content marketing strategy? Let us know if you have any tips to share!



How to install Google Analytics on a self-hosted WordPress website

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) and at Twenty3Media we recommend WordPress-based websites for our clients 90% of the time.

With WordPress, it’s easy to manage a website’s content once the design and development work has been done. If you have a self-hosted WordPress website, but don’t have Google Analytics installed yet then this blog post is for you.

A self-hosted website means that you bought a unique domain name (like and you (or your developer) installed WordPress on the domain.

Please note that the free version of WordPress (where your domain name will look something like does not allow users to install Google Analytics tracking code.

Getting started with Google Analytics

To get started, you will need a Google account (click here to sign up for an account). If you have a Gmail address, you’re good to go. Once you have your account, go to the Google Analytics website. You will land on a page looking like this:


Click on ‘Sign up’ to create an account. If you’re already signed in to your Google account you will be taken to a landing page. If not, sign in with your Google account’s details.


Fill in all the relevant fields, I normally keep all of the ‘recommended’ fields ticked.

Once you click on ‘Get tracking ID’ you will need to accept a Terms of Service agreement. Once you click on ‘I accept’ button, you will be taken to a page where you will see your tracking code. You can copy this code and keep it safe, but it’s not needed for the plug-in that we’re going to use in this tutorial. You will verify your Google Analytics account without the tracking ID – the plug-in will automatically pick up the tracking code if you follow the steps below.


In a new window, open your website’s WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins > Add new. In the search box, search for ‘Google Analytics Monsterinsights’ and click on ‘Install now.’


Once your plug-in is installed, navigate back to ‘Plugins.’ In your list of installed plug-ins, search for the Google Analytics by MonsterInsights plug-in and click on ‘Settings’ underneath the plug-in’s name. You will be taken to a page where you have to authenticate your Google Analytics account for that specific website with your Google Analytics profile. Follow the prompts on the page.

Once you’re done, to check that your tracking code is working, go back to the window where your Google Analytics tracking code is open. Click on ‘Real-time’ in the left-hand menu and then ‘Overview’ in the left-hand column. In a new window, open your website (for instance, and wait a minute or two. If your tracking code is installed correctly, you will see the number of visitors on your website pop up.

I hope this was helpful. Good luck! 🙂


Why blogging is important

In today’s day and age, every business should have a website along with a blog.

Most marketers and digital marketing consultants will advise businesses to regularly update their blogs with relevant and quality content. Businesses will follow this advice, but they don’t really know why they are blogging, or realise the impact blogging can have.

In this post, we will explain some key benefits of blogging and why it is so important for your business. To get started, here are some of the main reasons why blogging should form part of your business’ marketing strategy:

  • It can drive targeted traffic to your website and as a result it can improve your website’s search engine rankings
  • It can position your brand as an industry leader through thought-leader and opinion posts
  • It can help you build better customer relationships
  • It can encourage visitor engagement if you include the correct calls to action in your post

Why blogging is important

Blogging should form a big part of your business’ content marketing strategy. The idea is to drive traffic back to your website from your social media and other platforms therefore you want the content that you share, to sit on your own website or blog. As part of your content strategy you can decide on different topics or themes for a week or month and focus your blog posts, social media updates, newsletter, podcasts and so forth on that specific topic.

As mentioned, blogging is also beneficial when it comes to search engine optimisation. By regularly updating your blog and correctly using keywords and meta tags, you can improve your website’s ranking on search engine result pages. It is advisable to do research on the keywords you should focus on, and to try and incorporate these keywords into your blog posts.

Blog posts can also be a good way to generate leads and sales. For instance, you can write an optimised blog post about what your product is about, how it works, what the benefits are, and so forth. You can then link to the specific product pages from your blog to encourage people to visit the page and either enquire about the product or buy it.

So if you are asking if blogging is beneficial to your business, then the answer is yes. It can be very powerful if done correctly. Do you need help with your content marketing strategy or the writing of blog posts? If yes, get in touch with our team.

How to run a competition on Instagram

Running competitions on Instagram can help build brand awareness, increase your number of followers and can potentially lead to more sales if the competition strategy is executed correctly. That being said, it is important to plan contests and competitions and have clear goals in mind. Here are a few tips to help you plan and run a successful Instagram competition.

Start off with making a list of the marketing goals you want to achieve. Do you purely want to increase the number of followers you have on Instagram? Your goals will in part determine what type of competition you’re going to run. Here are a few examples:

  • Like to win – entrants need to like a specific photo to enter
  • Follow to win – entrants need to follow your account to enter the competition
  • Comment to win – entrants need to comment on a specific post to enter
  • Regram to win – entrants will regram your post to enter the competition
  • Post a photo to win – entrants need to post a photo and make use of a specific hash tag in order to enter the competition

Make it easy for people to enter your Instagram competition. If you require entrants to go through a lot of steps, make sure your prize is worth the effort.

If one of your goals is to increase brand awareness, get entrants to post a specific caption to their photo. The caption should include your brand’s Instagram handle and the competition’s hash tag. Your competition’s hash tag needs to be something unique so that it can easily be searched on Instagram. Make sure that the hash tag is not already in use by doing a quick search on Instagram.

Once you have sorted out the planning aspect of the competition, you’ll need to kick off and promote the competition through your other marketing channels. Post about the Instagram competition on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and your website or blog.

Have you seen any interesting Instagram competitions or have more tips to add? Let me know in the comments.