Tips to become really good at Facebook targeting

Facebook targeting seems to be the ‘it’ tool these days. In order for your business to thrive, it’s important to show your product or a service to the right people at the right time. Some experienced marketers like to say that it’s not important what are you selling, but who you are selling to. Who is your ideal customer? Where do they live, what do they do, what are their habits or behaviours, what drives them? Facebook knows ‘everything,’ and as such, it’s a great tool for customer segmentation.

Here is a quick guide to Facebook targeting that will turn you from a frog to a marketing prince! Keep on reading to find out how to get to the people who matter the most to your business.

Wondering what you can target?

  • Location: You can pinpoint a radius on a map, target specific cities, countries, exclude them if need be, and even target people who have recently visited a location, or they are travelling to it. This is great for tour guides for example.
  • Age: Select the age group you wish to target.
  • Gender: Choose whether you want your ad to be shown to female or male audience, or both.
  • Relationship: You can target people based on who they are interested in, or target single people, married, engaged, divorced, and more – all based on their relationship status. Market a dating site to singles and recently divorced people, or jewellery like wedding rings for recently engaged couples.
  • Education: The education filter lets you target people who are attending high school, college, individuals who are college grads or who finished some sort of diploma or college degree. Also, you can choose to show your ad only to people who possess a certain education degree, like associate degree, master’s, doctorate, and more. You can even target people who went to a specific school, in a specific timeframe.
  • Finances: This filter lets you segment people based on their net worth and income range.
  • Home: This filter comes with a lot of segmentation options. You can choose to target people based on the type of home they have, whether they are owners or renters, and what’s the household like – newlyweds, veterans, young people, young adults, seniors, families, and more. People who are in the remodelling industry can target people whose home was built 20 years ago, and offer repairs. Real estate agencies can target first-time home buyers and renters.
  • Job: You can target people who are working for a certain employer, or have a specific job title, or just the general industry they work in.
  • Ethnicity: You can choose to target people based on their ethnicity.
  • Generation: You can target baby boomers, generation X and millennials.
  • Parenting: This filter comes with plenty of targeting options. There is a whole segment within that is dedicated to targeting Moms, and the segment targeting all parents. This way, you can choose to market diapers to parents with babies, new workout regime to fit Moms, a new fashion line to trendy Moms, and so forth.
  • Politics: Target people based on their political affinities.
  • Life events: This filter allows you target people who have already experienced a life event, or will in the future – anything form new relationships, anniversaries, new jobs, birthdays, to people who have recently moved in, who are newly engaged, or any friends to people who have experienced a life event. This is one of the easiest targeting options. For example, you can target a friend of a person who will be having a birthday soon, with an ad for a special gift. Another example: Let’s say you are selling expensive romantic vacations, you might want to target people who have been engaged for a couple of months, and less expensive options and field trips to people who are in a relationship or married and who are celebrating anniversaries.
  • Entertainment: Choose people who enjoy watching certain movies, playing games, listening to music, reading, watching TV… For example, target Game of Thrones fans with an article about the show, or target them and market a new fantasy book which might pique their interest.
  • Interests: There’s an array of interests you can target, activities, pages they liked, topics, and all sorts of related events.
  • Wellness: Target gym-goers, bodybuilders, people into healthy nutrition, meditation, yoga, physical activities like running, weight lifting, exercising, AND even Zumba! This way you can market a new class in a gym, A yoga group, A new app for fitness and more.
  • Hobbies: This segment allows you to target people based on their hobbies – home improvements, arts and crafts, travelling, music, etc.
  • Purchases: Choose to show your ad to people who have recently completed a purchase. Market a beauty product to makeup artists, young female adults, who like pages like Maybelline and Max Factor. Or market a toy to parents whose child whose birthday is coming up soon.
  • Seasonal events: Market to people who are following sports happenings, games, or seasonal activities like swimming and skiing.

Facebook can also help you retarget people who visited your website. If you want to learn more about retargeting, read this article about Facebook Pixel here.

Facebook is an all-powerful marketing tool that allows you to fine-tune your perfect audience and then market to them what you think they will like, and what they are interested in. Your marketing strategy could be so intricate that you can reach virtually anybody and show them your ad.

Selling pet products? Target people who have recently got a dog. The options are virtually limitless!